Sunrise Hike
August 31, 2024 2:00 am | North Hill Christian Church
Saturday, August 31 we will be hiking in Mount Rainier National Park to see the sunrise at Fremont Lookout! Here is a link for the trail.
Click on RSVP or the link below to fill out a form so we can plan to meet up and share rides.
We need to be at Sunrise parking lot at 4am to be able to see the sunrise. So you can meet us at the Church at 2am or meet us at Mount Rainier at 4am.
You’ll want to bring a headlamp(we start in the pitch black), dress in layers as it could be windy at the top. Bring snacks and water and some people may want hiking poles. (coffee in a thermos is nice)
Contact Kristin with any questions (206-922-9236)